Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One Last Egg hunt

I'm sure your all tired of Egg hunt pictures, but they are all so cute I can't not post them. This was the last and final egg hunt of the year. Tayten and Emma were so fun to watch amongst all the big kids!

Emma & T were trying to figure out how to get the egg out of the tree!

Yes, I made her wear her boots so her white new easter shoes wouldn't get muddy!

I didn't get a picture but Tammy & Wes have a donkey. Wes hooked the donkey up to the cart and Tayten got to take a ride. She loved it! She also thinks it's the donkey from Shrek!

Easter {Sunday}

We had another full day of Easter fun on Sunday. We started off the day with church and ended with Tayten getting lots & lots of easter goodies. Posing before church
She insisted on getting her picture taken with us

Me & my sweet girl

Baby M at 38 weeks

After we got home from church the Easter bunny had made a vist to our house. It was so cute to see her take off running through the kitchen when we got home. I didn't get many pictures since she tore through it so fast

Loves her new Chugginton Trains

Baby M's Basket

She stripped off her dress and decided to use her new leaf bubble blower.

After playing for awhile we headed out to another celebration at Aunt Tammy's & Uncle Wes's house. (I'll post those pictures soon) Then we ended the evening at Brent & Stacy's. The bunny even dropped something off at there house for the little miss!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter { Saturday}

Saturday we had our 1st Easter celebration at Aunt Connie's & Uncle Ed's.

Collecting Eggs with my Great Aunt Ruth
Found one!

Of course she made out like a bandit
After the kids were done collecting eggs, I took a few pictures with the girls & mom. They turned out so good.

Tayten & Shelby-

She LOVES her Shelby! Always wants to be everywhere and anywhere she is

Kelsey, Tayten & Shelby
I Love this picture

Kelsey & Tayten

SMILE Mother!!!

Brandon is so thrilled to be the ONLY boy!!

We drive him nuts when were all together!!

I also had Brandy snap one last family of 3 photo!

I'll post the rest of our Easter celebrations in separate posts so they aren't to long

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Fling & Egg Hunt

Saturday morning Tayten & I went up to church to participate in the Spring Fling & Egg Hunt. They had little activities/ games set up in the gym for the kids to do, followed by a story, then the egg hunt! Tayten quickly found who she was looking for!

What a cute bunch of kid's- I'm missing Gracie but she was playing a game

Then it was time for an Easter Tattoo

This was her favorite game. Throwing the balls through the rings.

She also won some rice krispies treats at the cake walk & got her face painted. After the games were over they all got kites. Tayten wanted to fly hers as soon as we got home.

Here's a few pictures from the egg hunt! She got the hang of it pretty darn fast I would have to say.

Getting ready to start

Found one!

All Done!

She had a blast!

Thanks to Aunt Tashney for helping me keeping an eye on her, she was all over the place and I just couldn't keep up

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Eggs & Cookies

Friday evening I was feeling really crazy so I decided to let Tayten color eggs and make/ decorate Easter sugar cookies. Thank goodness that Brandon was around oversee. He said I was crazy for doing it anyway. But, I'm so glad that I did because Tayten had so much fun. Such a HUGE difference from last year! Just getting started. She was sooo excited!
She would drop the eggs in and make BIG splashes! She thought it was hilarious

Stirring the eggs around & repeating all the colors of the eggs

This may have been her favorite part- Taking the eggs out of the color. She did very well too! We were impressedChecking out her eggs. Then she wanted to do more so we had a little meltdown but then went on to helping with the cookies so things were much better

Rollin' Rollin' as she kept saying

Cutting out the shapes. She wanted to do it all by herself

I just realized that she is almost naked in every picture, and that would be because she decided a few days ago that she would potty train her self. Brandon and I pretty much do nothing and she does it all. We've had lots of successes so far! If only I can handle the "froggy potty" being in the living room!

The Bunny

Tayten really wanted to see the Bunny but when it was actually her turn she got a little scared. Check out the fake smile

Thursday, April 21, 2011

One Week...

Until we meet our baby GIRL!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gym Day

Today was gymnastics day! Getting stamps
Forward roll

Swinging on the rings

This is her favorite- The slide that's attached to the balance beam

Walking on the beam all by herself.

And she is quite proud that she is the only one in the class that can do it :)

DIY- Moss Monogram

Don't get me wrong- I LOVE Pottery Barn, but I also think that they are way to over priced on a lot of things plus if your crafty or somewhat creative you can recreate lots of there ideas. While looking through the magazine the other day I stumbled across these monogram letters. I thought an "M" would look so cute on our door that enters the garage. Cute sure, but not for the steep price of $79. Who would pay that? So I made a trip to my FAVORITE place {Hobby Lobby} and got some supplies
1 package of sheet moss- $6.99. It was 1/2 off so I paid $3.49 & wooden letter M for 99 cents. I already had tons of hot glue and ribbon at home
Open the sheet moss (it's very messy) and lay your letter down
Using a sharpie trace the letter onto the moss, leaving about a 1 inch border so you have something to glue
Cut out along your sharpie lines and then match your letter back up with your cut out. Start applying lots and lots of hot glue to the letter and fold the moss around the letter
TADA!! Finished product minus the ribbon. I added that after I took the picture! So, for about $ 6.00 I have a moss covered M to hang on my garage door!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Here's a few more pictures from Tayten's first fishing experience. She got to fish right along beside her cousins. How fun! Addi & Tayten Waiting on a bite
Taking the fish off the hook. She loved every part of the fishing experience

BIG Catch!!!

To say that Tayten LOVED fishing is an understatement! She threw not ONE but many HUGE fits when it was time to be done or SHARE the fishing pole. She asks at least once a day when we can go fishing again.

Connie- I think Ed may have a new fishing partner :) Hope he can handle her!