Friday, January 27, 2012

HIgh Five Friday

WOW! How is it Friday again?!?!

1. Ice Cream at Chick-fil-A- Tayten's favorite place to eat + Brandon's favorite place for a milk shake= we visit there frequently

2. Mocha's- Nothing like a mocha on a cold day! It's not Starbucks but it works ;)

3. My new fruit infusion pitcher. I ordered this thing of of Amazon and I love it. You fill the core with fruit and it ever so slightly flavors your water. So far the only combination I've tried is lemons and strawberries but next up is blueberries and raspberries

4- Spa Day at Mops. Tuesday was our "BIG" event of the year. We have lots of different providers come in a do different things for our moms. Hair cuts, eye brow waxes, facials, bra fitting, yoga, manicures, massages you name it! It's so fun and out moms really enjoy it. But...they best part may be the SWAG bags we give away! Lots of good prizes in mine :)
5. Wonder through a child's eye- It was truly amazing to see magic through her eyes. We may have been watching her little face more than the actual show

Have a happy Friday :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nine Months

Hollis is 9 Months!!!!

eek....she's going to be one soon :( I'm not sure how much she weighs but she goes to the dr tomorrow so we will find out!
She crawls everywhere and pulls up on everything.

Her 1st tooth has almost popped through.

She absolutely loves her big sister and laughs at everything she does.

Always wants to be wherever Tayten is and sometimes Tayten does not like it ;)

She drinks about 6 ounces but rarely finishes an entire bottle.

Eats baby food twice a day and loves fruit puffs!
She is also doing better with a cup.

Our sweet girl had her first sleep over at Grandma Kathy's earlier in the month and also had her first real babysitter besides grandparents. She did great at both!
Still wears a size 2 diaper and wears 6-9 and some 9-12 month clothes

Such a sweet smile :)

We Love you baby Hollis

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Disney On Ice: Dare to Dream

Warning: Picture Overload

Friday night we took Tayten to Disney on Ice! We had such a fun time and it was so magical for her. We LOVED watching her facial expressions. Some how I got some really good seats on the lower level that were close to the rink. It was soo good. They did Princess and the Frog, Cinderella and then Tangled.

Check out the crazy faces!

Snow Cone Time! It came it a pretty cool Tangled cup :)

Max- She loved this

Flying on the hair

We had such a fun time and she is STILL talking about it.

It was pretty slow going on the way home since they weather turned yucky but I looked back and found this....

She was out!

Little sister got to stay home and hang out with these awesome babysitters!

Zach & Tessa watched the little lady for us.

Zach gave me lot of updates while we were gone and she did great. She was asleep in Zach's arms when we got home but she woke up when I tried to take her so I snapped a quick picture! Not so bad for 11:00 :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snow much FUN!

Tayten was so excited when she finally got to play in the snow. She had been waiting forever to do this! So Excited
Snow castle

On the sled which she calls her "sleigh"

Playing in the pile

She finally got to make a snow angel.

She knew exactly what to do thanks so Special Agent Oso! (a disney show)

Friday, January 20, 2012

High Five Friday

Another week, Another Friday

So... Here it goes

1. I'm lovin' how well the girls played together the other day. Usually Tayten is way to ruff and Hollis ends up crying but they both played so we..

2. After bath's the other evening Hollis was all about daddy! She loves to climb all over him3. Look how brave this girl is getting!!! This week she finally figured out how to get all the way up to her feet and now she does it all the time.

4. This girl finally got to play outside in the snow before it melted. She was so excited and stayed out forever. More pictures to come soon

5. It's FINALLY time! We are going to see Disney On Ice TONIGHT!! Tayten is so excited she can barely stand it! We luckily got some pretty good seats so hopefully she will LOVE it!

That's it for this week!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Peanutbutter + Chocolate= Love

Everyone knows that I LOVE Pinterest! There is always ton's on fun crafts, yummy recipes and much much more. Lately everything I have made has been from Pinterest. Anyway, I saw this recipe for these chocolate peanut butter filled crescent rolls! Yum you go!

All you need

Spread a little love (use a good amount)

add some chocolate and roll em up!

Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven for about 10 minutes or until golden

Make sure you eat them warm :)

Quick & super easy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hide & Seek Tunnel Style

These two monkeys had a blast playing in the tunnel. I hadn't got it out in a long time ( like since last winter) so it was a cool NEW toy for both Tayten and Hollis. Hollis didn't take long to get the hang of it and she loved when Tayten would chase her! Check out that GRIN :)
I'm comin to get YOU!

Doesn't she look so grown up?

Sweet little pony tail princess

Friday, January 13, 2012

Misc. Monday

I've just got a bunch on randoms for today: Workin' hard in the car!

Hollis got to sport her first pony tail the other day! It works great at keeping her hair out of her eyes but it a little Bam-Bamish so she will probably only be sporting it a home. It's not the best picture as I had to hold her and give her a remote just so I could get a picture.
On our way home from Wal-Mart today we stopped my McDonald's. Now normally I'm not a fan of McDonald's so I usually just order a salad or fries and a coke but today I saw these little guys on the menu...

They were pretty good, so if they keeps them forever I just might like McDonald's a little better ;)

If you like to paint your nails, you need to try ESSIE brand nail polish. I kept hearing about it from everyone so I finally picked up a bottle.Lets say it's now my new favorite polish. I've had mine on since Friday and it's not chipped yet (and I cleaned the entire upstairs)

Plus...they have TONS of colors

That's all my randoms for today!

High Five Friday

****High Five Friday is *hopefully* going to be a

weekly post about my five favorite things from the past week****

So here it goes....

1. Club Mini's- Best snack ever! Tayten & I are totally in LoVe

2. "Guess how much I Love You"- I've read this book probably over a million times this week. Tayten loves it and always wants me to read it to her & Hollis. Love them
#3- Christmas Gift- We finally had a spare moment to hang one of my new Christmas gifts and I LOVE the way it turned out! Thanks mom

ok.....I only have 3 things this week, simply becasue I just decided to do this so next week I'll have more

Monday, January 9, 2012

8 Months

Sweet Hollis you are 8 months old!!

It's now impossible to get her to hold still....

She loves her tongue
She is crawling around everywhere


pulling up!

Mostly only to her knees but occasionaly she can make it to her feet!

Loves to play on the couch- supervised of course

We love our little lady to pieces!