Thursday, March 22, 2012

St. Patty's Day Treat

Tayten & I made a little treat for her teachers for St. Patty's day. They were to cute to resist making and her teachers were very surprised to be receiving a little something. Tayten had so much fun filling the basket with "Gold Coins". We
We used rainbow twizzlers and rolo's to create a little gold at the end of the rainbow!
We attached this little cute card!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Silly girl

Hollis loves eating like a big girl and making silly faces!
(the sun was shining in behind us so the pictures are not that great, but still cute)

Silly Silly Girl

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Park Play

The girls and I are really lovin' this weather! We have spent so much time outside and playing with our friends. One day last week we went to Hanna Park. They have the neatest playground equipment. So fun
Tayten loved this big round swing
Hollis wasn't so sure

H does not like to swing.


I'm going to attempt to get caught up on here. So hang tight I'll have some posts up soon

Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 Months

Hollis you are TEN months old!
These pictures really show her personality. She's such a happy & laid back baby. She will pretty much let anyone hold her.
She weighs 15 pounds
You still wears some 6-9 month clothes but you fit into some 9-12 month as well.
You just used your last size 2 diaper so you now wear size 3
You still only have ONE tooth
You LOVE table food and eat almost anything. You really like applesauce, peaches, carrots, bread of any kind, ice cream, & cheese.
You still drink about 5 ounce bottles and you love your sippy cup
You love your tongue and recently learned how to make new sounds. You can make a kissing sound & cluck your tongue.
You can wave bye-bye and play patty cake!
You still only say Dadda but Tayten thinks you say "Zach" too ;)

You climb and pull up on everything!!! You think you are such BIG stuff
You love books and music. You "dance" all the time.
You can also stand alone for a few seconds.

Sweet Baby Hollis you are growing so fast!
We love you so much

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What we've been up to....

I'm seriously behind, but here's what we've been up to lately....
We spent a day at Grandma Kathy's house while our electric was getting worked on
I they like her just a tad ;)

Every time we get near this thing Tayten climbs to the top, all by her self. She is always so proud
Saturday we did a little shopping with Grandma & Kelsey. Tayten was on the look out for a Ariel swim suit! We had to try it on as soon as we got back and practice some surfing
Saturday evening Tayten got to go a little date with mommy & daddy. We used one of her Jump It passes and had pizza. She had so much fun but kept asking for Hollis
Hollis has been a little under the weather, and Sunday evening she got to have her first trip to the urgent care! She also got her first ear infection,but she is feeling much better now!

Hollis's 10 month post will be up soon!