Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Hollis

Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Hollis!

Your 1st year of life went so fast! You are such a sweet little lady and we love watching you turn into a big girl everyday. Your personality is really starting to show and we couldn't love you more

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl

Daddy, Mommy & Tayen

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Owl Party Details

I have so many pictures from Hollis' birthday party I decided to split them up, so I'll have another post up soon with pictures from the party! On to the details...

I decided I would do a Look Whooo's turning 1 owl theme a long time ago (like when she was about 4 months old) and I wanted to use the colors from her room. I did a little looking around on Pintrest & Etsy and I had a million ideas swimming around in my head!

 We did bubble wands for the party favors because I figured since it was just Easter the kids had plenty of candy!
 I made the owls and number "1" with my Cricut!
 The Drink Station
 Tayten & I also assembled little water bottles with owl labels
 We had a little craft table to keep the kids entertained
 Food table

 A sweet lady from Crawfordsville made the cake for me

 I used her monthly shirt stickers and printed out her monthly pictures so we could see how much she had grown :)
Every highchair needs a banner so I ripped up fabric in coordinating colors and made a sweet little banner!

It was so much fun planning Hollis' 1st Birthday....Now were onto Kelsey's graduation party :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Don't you just LOVE going to the grocery store and seeing NEW things?!?
I do!
Here are some of my "new" favorites that you MUST try ;)

1. Mocha Iced Coffee really I bought this for Brandon because my friend was telling me how good it was and how it tasted a lot like a frappe from McDonald's. So...Wal-mart finally had some in stock (it sales out fast). He tried some first and said it was good so I tried some and I really like it. It's good.....go ahead pour your self a glass
2. Milk Bite Bars
I just happened to see this above the milk when I was getting our milk. I only got one box....big mistake. These things are delicious and they give you the same amount of calcium that an 8oz glass of milk does! These are now a weekly purchase....yum

3. Chocolate Cream Cheese
No explaining necessary.....delicious...excellant... and oh so yummy.
Try it with pretzels
Sorry if I made your grocery bill go up about $8 ;)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Miscellaneous

Sweet Selah and Hollis.
They are 6 weeks apart and such sweet friends already
Tayten wasn't to sure about her curlers but I thought she looked so cute
Big Girl in LITTLE clothes.
She thought it was fun to put Hollis' clothes on until it was time to take off the shirt :)
Sweet little H
Tayten had a little "run" in with the back of the seed trailer Thursday night. I'm sure it hurt bad but the tough little thing didn't shed a tear! She's tough....

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Bike Ride

Sunday afternoon the girls wanted to try out their new bikes. It was pretty windy so we didn't last long but I did get a few cute pictures
Just getting started
She had a little a trouble at first but she's slowly getting the hang of it.
Sweet sister loves her bike

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Sunday

The Easter Bunny visited us!

He left Tayten a bike helmet, a game & some pajama's. Hollis got a musical ball, a phone & some pajama's
Some how me also managed to drop off some bikes too! Tayten was one happy girl :) She has wanted a BIG girl bike forever
Hollis got a bike too and she loves it
I put Tayten's hair in foam curlers so she would have some curl to to hair. My mom used to do it to me when I was little.

So excited
I tried to take pictures of them both in there Easter dresses but neither wanted to cooperate.
So sweet with curly hair
Sweet Girls!