Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Months

Hollis is 5 months old!!!

Wow! I look at her and think where has time gone? She was NOT going to smile for the camera last night. She just wasn't into it, she was more interested in watching her sister run around like a wild animal

At her 4 month apt she weighed in at 12 lbs!

Wears 3-6 month clothes

Still wears a size 1 diaper but when we run out we will try size 2!

Loves to eat cereal!

She started eating some food! We have tried apples, carrots, sweet potatoes & bananas. She loves everything but the bananas! Maybe she's taking after her dad?

Her favorite thing to do at the moment would be jumping in her jumperoo! She LOVES it!

We love you sweet baby H!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Library Visit

Monday morning we visited the library! I tried to take Tayten a while back but that didn't work out to well, so I thought I would try again. It was a success this time! We went to the campus library which has a nice little play area and some other things for kids to do. The downtown library has a weekly story time that I think we might try to do! She LOVED playing on the computer
Hollis got to ride in the front seat of the stroller, she thought she was big stuff!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not much.....

We haven't had much going on this week. I don't think I took one picture all week! I hope we do something exciting soon so I have something to blog about. I'll be back Monday will Baby H's 5 month stats!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

3rd Birthday

Here's a few more pictures that I took on Tayten's actual birthday~

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tayten's 3rd Birthday Party

After Tayten exciting first day of school, we had her 3rd birthday party that night! Talk about a BIG day! Her cute little Tangled cake
Blowing out the candles



More Presents

It was raining out so we had to do the pinata inside but it was still fun!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First "real" day of school

I'm way behind on posting but better late than never........................
Last Friday I dropped Tayten off at school at 9:15! She went right in and never looked back. She was helper of the day and also got to bring birthday treats to school for snack. Hollis and I did some errands and then went back to get her at 11:40 She had LOTS to talk about on the way home. She told me everything they did and everything that the teacher did. The color of the month is blue, so we had to wear blue! baby is growing up :(

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New updates soon..

I'm in the process of going through all of Tayten's birthday pictures so I'll have them up soon :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Biggest Playdate EVER..

Call me CrAzY but I tackled watching two babies and a almost three year old for two days a few weeks ago! It was so fun and went way better than I ever imagined. Anniston was such a good girl, Tayten was an EXCELLENT helper and Hollis was just Hollis. T loved having two babies to play with

Tayten being a big helper

Such a fun Day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hair Feathers

A few Saturday's ago....we had lunch and got feathers with Kelsey & Shelby! Of course little miss just had to have one like the big girls. Two peas in a pod !

She loves her new feather!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We got to visit with Great Aunt Ruth on Monday, so I snapped a few shots!

Harvest Time....

Tayten can't wait until it's time to take daily combine rides. She's loves going with Brandon and "checking" the crops.
Look at these beans mom!

Running through the field

She always wants to eat the corn!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We visted Tayten's school last Friday for a short time. Her first REAl day of school is on Friday! She was so excited to go, and started giggleing when we turned into the parking lot. She loves her backpack and was so excited to finally get some papers to put inside it.

I'll update on how the 1st day went next week!

Rub, Dub, Dub.

Two Babies in the Tub!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I finally got around to doing some blogging so there will be multiple posts in one day! Yay!

4 Months

Hollis is 4 Months! We Love our sweet baby girl to pieces!

She weighs right at 12 lbs now!

Wears a size 1 diaper

Wears 0-3 months clothes but starting to wear some 3-6

Loves to look at her self in the mirror and roll over.

She likes playing with her toys and still loves the swing!

Tried some cereal for the first time!

Smiles ALL the time

Just found her tounge- and loves to stick it OUT!

She still sleeps in our room, but I think she may move to her bed soon!

Rubs her little eye's when she's tired. Cutest thing ever

Her hair is starting to lay down!