Friday, October 28, 2011

Costume Parade

Tayten's class had a costume parade as part of their little halloween party. They all got to wear their costumes to school and trick or treat the church staff.

They were ALL so cute!!

Rainy Day Fun

Since it so RaInEy and CoLd last Wednesday, we packed up the girls and headed to the Children's Museum. Tayten is at the age where she absoutly loved it, except she will say that she was a "little bit" scared of the dinosaurs! We spent most of the day just playing and exploring! Digging
Just woke up from her nap

Tayten's FAVORITE part!

She's already asking when we can go back!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Halloween Party and other things...

So, I'm officially horrible about getting things on here anymore. The days just go way to fast! Maybe one day I'll be caught up ;) Anyway, I have a bunch to catch up on so lots of posts will be coming!!

We went to a little Halloween party at my Aunt & Uncles house a few weekends ago. I was going to let them wear their costumes but then decided that was a lot of work so they sported their matching skeleton pajamas!

Here's a group shot!

Since I'm so behind... our sweet baby girl turned 6 months yesterday!! I'll hopefully get her 6 month post up soon

Friday, October 14, 2011

pumpkin picking

We went to a little orchard and picked a pumpkin on Sunday. Tayten loved the "hayride" and so did Hollis. She just looked around and "talked". T with her favorite personI love this picture. She was standing up in the hay wagon looking down as he was driving

I think I like this one mom.....

No..This one

or how about this one. Needless to say, Everyone else on the wagon had found theirs and we were still looking

Kelsey & mom with her pumpkin

Ok..Shelby, I want this one

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dance The Night Away

Saturday was Kyle & Emily's Wedding! Tayten was filled to the brim with excitement. She wanted to dance so bad she couldn't stand it and when she finally got the chance dance she did.... She's just getting warmed up
I found her dancing with random boys :)
I'm pretty sure we are going to be in TROUBLE

Having a GOOD time

Check out the moves these kids have.....

She is still talking about Kyle's wedding. She told me this morning that she is ready to go back! Ha!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

2 little pumpkin cuties!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Yum! Carrots are soo good!


One nice day last week I decided to take Tayten to the Columbian Park Zoo. We didn't make it there all summer :( Anyway it was a perfect day to go..not to hot and we were pretty much the only ones there! I think she thought it was going to get her!
Cute little guy

Cute little gal :)

Of course we had to drive the tractor

and play in the water

Monday, October 10, 2011


We've been doing lots of this...( Playing in the grass)


Lots and Lots of this....

(and this was nothing...I had to do 5 the next night :))

You guessed it!!

You can't see her but she's in there!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tayten Say's.....

Kids say the funniest and cutest things ever. Tayten is always full of funny lines and cute little things, so I wanted to write them down so I won't forgot them.

While we were swinging on the porch, she was pretending to talk on her phone, she says," Hi Zach, How's your day? Um...that would be fine. Talk to you later" After she hangs up I say, " who were you talking to and what did they say, " she said, " Zach called me and told me that HE was taking me on a tractor ride not DADDY! ( he did actually take her on a tractor ride so he is officially the favorite)

Hollis was crying very loud one afternoon and Tayten says to me," Mom, make her stop! Crying that is" Where does she come up with this stuff?

Last night while she's dancing around in the corn field while the guys ate she says, " hey B, I'm a princess cowboy! What??

Today after we came home, Hollis was fussy because she was tired so I started rocking her to sleep. Tayten was very very concerned, came up to her put her hands on Hollis face and says, " I know Hollis we never get to go on combine rides. I'm sad to! I just laughed and promised her that tonight for SURE she would get a ride :-) ( She is very used to getting a ride every single night and for the last couple of days it hasn't worked out to get a ride, apparently she's sad)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No Time....

Lately I haven't had any time to blog! We have just been ON-THE-GO every day and night. We have another super busy weekend, but once it's over maybe I'll be able to catch up this thing!