Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Seven Months


Can you believe it? Our baby girl is Seven months old!! I'm guessing she weighs about 14 lbs

Wears some 3-6 months clothes but most are getting to short and 6-9 months are to BIG!

Size 2 Diaper

Size 0-3 shoe- she has little feet apparently.

Loves to smile, laugh and JUMP! She is a jumping bean

She finally has mastered siting up

She can army crawl and scoot pretty fast- It's only a matter of time

Say's something that sounds pretty close to Dadda!

Still drinks about 5 ounces in her bottles

Eats baby food twice a day most days

She is not to keen on fruit puffs but loves to chew on her sippy cup

She recently decided that she didn't liked to be rocked to sleep. Sometimes she will still let us though...

..........................BIG NEWS..................

I finally moved her to her crib!

So long bassinet you have been good to us :(

Such a sweet girl
We Love you Sweet Baby H!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I didn't take any pictures at Thanksgiving because I forgot my camera but I did take a few before we left. We had a busy but fun holiday weekend. Lots of good fun, family & shopping! What could be better! :) Tayten's getting pretty good at taking pictures!

She just had to take our picture
Daddy and his girls
This may have been the only time that Tayten decided to cooperate and smile

Love my little ladies

Sweet Baby Hollis

Sweet Sisters!

Tayten would not let me take her picture alone so.....I didn't fight her :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Whac- A- Mole

Tayten loves to play games and recently her game of choice has been Whac-A-Mole. She talked daddy and Hollis into playing it with her the other night.... Hollis just wanted to eat the moles....
Tayten wanted to "whac" Hollis with the mallet...

Then Hollis decided Tayten could play by herself and she would just eat the mallet.

Successful Game Night

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bath Time

Look who can take a BIG GIRL Bath.... and she loved every minute of it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kitty Ears

One evening Tayten was playing in her toy room when she called us in there, we went in to find her drawing this.... She was so excited, and said I made kitty ears!

So of course I had to take a picture

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Tea

Hollis got to have her 1st tea party (aka. water mess) the other day! Yay!
Muching on a fake piece of bread

Tayten giggled the entire time, she thought it was so fun

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Operation: Toy Room

The toy room was in need of a major over haul. Nothing was in the correct bins anymore plus there was a ton of trash. So one day last week Tayten and I went on a cleaning spree. We went from this.....
and this....

and this...


this in about 1 hour.

With the help of a garabge bag, some storge totes, a few more bins and some labels.

Let's see how long it lasts.....

Friday, November 4, 2011


This sweet little thing..... is simply one of the cutest things we have ever seen!
Check out that BOW! Yes, it's huge but oh so cute!
I can't wait to get her 6 month pictures back!

(picture taken by Tayten)

I should have taken a picture of the die for!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trick or Treat

We got all dressed up again on Monday night to make a few stops so that the girls could trick or treat! Tayten choose a cupcake costume so Hollis got be one too. Cupcake #1

(this girl will not let me take her picture anymore,

she runs and hides or throws a big fit)

Cupcake #2

The group shot of the cupcakes was not working out so well.
No one wanted to cooperate :)

Yummy Yummy Cupcakes

Finally we left, Tayten didn't really get the "trick or treat concept. She kept asking when we were going and then when we FINALLY got back home she kept asking when everyone was coming. I think she thought people would come to our house?!? ( sorry sweetie, no such luck)

I had planned on taking there picture at each stop we made but I totally forgot until we went to "trick or treat"


Then Tayten reminded me!

Ha! This little girl definitely loves her Zach and I think he likes her back. Pretty much if he's working at the farm she wants to go be with him. They talk about all kinds of things! She can't wait to go to Zach's school with him :)

I think Halloween was a success!

Halloween Party Number 2..

Sunday evening we went to another Halloween Party at Brent & Stacy's! Tayten loves all the kids and Hollis and Selah are only 6 weeks apart so they are good playmates too! The kiddo's have so much fun running around and playing. They all went on a little "hay ride" Marshall Poppa was giving the "rules"
Sweet Marissa & the girls

Some more of the kiddo's

Getting ready to take off

It was such a fun party this is how our ride home went..................




Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hollis got to have her first snack and "big girl" cup! She wasn't sure of it, but she likes it now! I don't really think she drinks much from it but she sure likes to chew on it
Then the next morning after she had some cereal I let her have a baby mum-mum!

First bite


pumpkin carving....

Tayten never said word about carving a pumpkin until she watched an show on the Disney Channel where they carved a pumpkin,. Then that was all she talked about, so one of those rainy nights we had, Brandon helped her carve it while Hollis and I took pictures! First we had to do a Mr. Potato Head pumpkin
Finished product

She wasn't so sure about the yucky yucky stuff. I think Brandon did most of it

I talked her into sticking her hand in it:)

Drawing the face
( insert me feeding Hollis, so no pictures got taken of the actual carving process)

Best group picture we good get!