Tuesday, August 14, 2012

MOPS Convention {Grapevine Texas}

Last Wednesday 4 of us on our Leadership Team from MOPS flew to Texas for MOPS Convention!  I was a little nervous about leaving the girls for so long but we were so busy time went so fast. On the way to drop me off Tayten says's " Mommy, I have a secret." I said what is it and she replied, " Daddy's not going to do a very good job taking care of the family!" I about died in laughter actually Brandon and I both about died!

Convention didn't really start until late Thursday afternoon so we hit up the water park at the resort. The convention was being held at the Gaylord Texan so that's were we stayed

I didn't take a ton of pictures and what I did take were on my phone so they aren't the best quality!
You know your at a convention with 2,000 women when they do this to the men's restrooms!

We pretty much always got dessert! They really only had a few restaurants to choose from so we would eat dinner and then go back a few hours later for dessert!
 The last night of convention they had a Mom's Prom. We didn't really dress up but plenty of mom's did. We had dinner and a concert. The concert didn't really excite us that much so we skipped out early so we could walk around the resort a little more and get packed up to come home
 The Texas star was the middle of the resort. It was a beautiful place!

Staci and I thought we would be silly and lay on the floor of the resort lobby and get our picture taken by the Texas Star! It was a hoot!

I had a great time but was ready to come home by about Friday night! I'm happy to report that daddy must have done a fine job with the girls because yesterday my little angle said, Your mean, I want Daddy back!!"

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