Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 Months

So....this is a little late, but better late than never! We've had a busy week.

Hollis is 2 Months!!

Our sweet girl wouldn't look at the camera, so not the best picture~

  • Wears size 1 diaper & 0-3 month clothes

  • Smiles pretty much all the time now~we are in LOVE with her dimples

  • Eats about every 3 hours during the day

  • Loves to watch the ceiling fan

  • Sleeps about 6 -7 hours at night before she wakes to eat!! She usually goes to bed around 10:30

  • We don't go ANYWHERE without getting comments about her hair!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Playdate #2

On Thursday we got to have lunch and play with the Sheets clan! Tayten was so excited to be there she didn't eat one bite. She absoutly loves Laynah's girls. They are so good with her it's beyond cute. She loves Bennett to but he's not so sure about her following him around! While the big kids played upstairs Hollis and Selah hung out downstairs! Selah is adorable!Hollis (2 months) ~ Selah (2 weeks)

I tried to take a few pictures before we left this morning but Hollis was the only one who wanted her picture taken. Tayten refused to let me take hers
Such a sweet girl!

Tayten is gettting so good at holding Hollis

Sunday, June 26, 2011


That her hair will lay down when wet!!

She looks like a completely different baby!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Baby H overload

Crazy hair girl
Check out those dimples!
I just love them

She smiles!!

Love her cute smile :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Play date with A & A

Wednesday afternoon we had a play date with Anniston & Addison! It was super fun getting all the babies together. I was a little worried about Tayten because she thought that BIG kids were coming to play. She did great though..she LOVED Anniston and took over 100 pictures on my camera while they were here. Anniston & Tayten
Anniston (5 months)~ Addison (2 months)~ Hollis ~ Tayten
Hollis & Addison are only 2 weeks apart, but Addison makes Hollis look like a shrimp!


Our 1st attempt of a group picture!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Post with no pictures!

Whew, what a week so far! We have been busy having lots of fun this week. I'll have lots of pictures to post soon. So far this week we have been swimming, gymnastics, and a play date. That's not all either, tomorrow we have another play date and then Friday we are going to have lunch with a friend!!

We are busy busy, but lovin' summer so far!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Our new pet!

Courtesy of Grandma, Kelsey & ShelbyHis name is Mr. Crocodile

He's doing really well with house training and doesn't complain about a thing.

He's rather large but he doesn't seem to mind when he gets stepped on or kicked across the room. (that's why we don't have a dog!)

He's very gentle and puts up with Tayten sitting and jumping on him!

To say that Tayen loves our new pet would be an understatement!
I told Tayten last night that Mr. Crocodile needed to start spending the night out in the garage rather than the living room, she agreed but somehow he never made it out there.

If your looking for a pet I would totally recommend Mr. Crocodile.

I think there's plenty more at Menard's :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tayten's Photo's

Tayten loves to take pictures with my camera: Here's what I found on my camera this time. Baby Sister
Daddy & Sister

This one is actually cute!

Blue Fingernails- It is cute though

Big GREEN toenails!

She also took some of her legs, pacies, and lots and lots of DADDY! Imagine that :)

Maybe she'll be a photographer??

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Play Time

Hollis' is starting to spend a little bit more time on her play mat. Tayten usually lays right beside her on the floor and shows her all the toys. Most of the time she just looks at the mirror and Tayten always says," mom the baby is looking at me"

Monday, June 13, 2011


Saturday afternoon Tayten went swimming with Kelsey & Shelby. It was a little chilly but she insisted on going after we had went to the store and she got some new goggles! Isn't she attractive?
Hollis hanging out

T in her "jungle" as she calls it

Posing with Shelby

I don't think she ever took the goggles off! They only swam for a little while and we bribed her out of the pool with marshmallows!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yard Crashers

Friday night we (everyone but me) did some landscaping in my grandma's backyard. Lots of FUN, let me tell ya! Tayten thought we were there for a birthday party, guess we party to much :) Tayten showing off her work gloves
Meet Ed- the director of the show! ha!
His crew was pretty pitiful!!

Digging up the lillies

Digging in the dirt

I should have taken a before and after picture but I think I left before it was finished.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pool Fun

Last Thursday we had a MOPS at the pool day! It's a good thing we went to an indoor pool since it was cloudy that day. Tayten loves water so she had a blast playing with all her little MOPS friends filling her watering can
Hollis pretty much spent her pool time like this, or being held by all moms!

Such a sweet girl

I'm sure we will have many more pool visits this summer!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Can you believe that this little cutie is six weeks old today?
It seems like everywhere we go people always say, " wow your little guy/boy has a head full of hair or HE is so cute." I usually just smile, say thank you and go on. Well, today I remembered a bow, and the comment I got today was, "well that bow is bigger than it's head!" Yep that's what I was going for! At least they didn't say HIS head!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday..........

Grandpa Jim!!

We hope you have a wonderful day!

We love you!

Memorial Weekend

We started off Memorial weekend with a wedding reception. Of course it had to POUR down rain pretty much the entire time. Theyhad a bounce house for the kids, Tayten jumped for a few minutes while the rain took a break.Then on Sunday we ventured out to Aunt Connie & Uncle Ed's lake home! Tayten got to use her new CARS fishing pole! It was the perfect day, not to hot it was actually breezy. Tayten went up and down the stairs on the porch about a 100 times, I think that was her entertainment for the day!

Walking back up to the steps on the porch
Kelsey & Shelby- They can't ever smile for a picture

I think Tayten is trying to talk Shelby into something

Hollis spent most of her time snoozing and being held, but she was so good. It was pretty much the first time we really had her outside for a good amount of time!

Yay for summer!!

I'm going to be very brave and take them to the pool today-at least it's an indoor pool :)